Top 15 Hallucinogenic Plants Found on Planet Earth

Author: Gaurav Ruhela

09 Febraury, 2024

Hallucinogenic Plants

Hallucinogenic plants are natural substances that cause changes in perception, mood, and consciousness when consumed


A small, spineless cactus native to Mexico and southwestern Texas, containing mescaline, a powerful hallucinogen traditionally used in Native American religious ceremonies


 A brew made from the Banisteriopsis caapi vine and Psychotria viridis leaves, used by indigenous tribes in the Amazon for spiritual and healing purposes, containing DMT (N,N-Dimethyltryptamine)

Salvia divinorum

A psychoactive plant in the mint family, native to Mexico, known for its short-lived but intense hallucinogenic effects when smoked or consumed

Morning Glory

Certain species of Morning Glory seeds, particularly Heavenly Blue and Pearly Gates, contain lysergic acid amide (LSA), a chemical similar to LSD, producing psychedelic effects when consumed in large doses.

San Pedro Cactus

A tall, columnar cactus native to the Andes Mountains, containing mescaline and traditionally used in shamanic rituals.


While primarily known for its relaxing and euphoric effects, high doses of THC (tetrahydrocannabinol) found in cannabis can induce mild hallucinations and distortions of perception.


Various species of Datura, also known as jimsonweed or devil's trumpet, contain tropane alkaloids like scopolamine and atropine, causing hallucinations and delirium when consumed.


Commonly known as angel's trumpet, it contains tropane alkaloids similar to Datura, inducing vivid hallucinations and delirium.

Hawaiian Baby Woodrose

Seeds from this climbing vine contain LSA, producing psychedelic effects similar to those of LSD when consumed.


Although primarily known for its role in folklore and magic, mandrake contains hallucinogenic alkaloids like hyoscyamine and scopolamine


In large doses, nutmeg can produce hallucinogenic effects due to the presence of myristicin, although its use for this purpose is discouraged due to its toxic potential.


A shrub native to Central Africa, iboga contains the psychoactive alkaloid ibogaine, traditionally used in initiation ceremonies and for spiritual purposes.
