Top 20 Common Poisonous Plants Used in History

Author: Gaurav Ruhela

08 Febraury, 2024


Also known as deadly nightshade, belladonna contains toxic alkaloids that have been historically used as a poison and in medicine for its sedative and hallucinogenic properties


A highly poisonous plant that has been used historically as a method of execution (most famously, the poison cup given to Socrates) and as a poison in assassinations


Monkshood or wolfsbane, aconite contains potent neurotoxins and has been used historically as a poison and in traditional medicine for its analgesic properties.


 Henbane contains tropane alkaloids and has been historically used in traditional medicine and as a poison. It was also used in witchcraft rituals for its hallucinogenic properties.


 Larkspur contains alkaloids such as delphinine and has been historically used as a poison, particularly in agriculture to control pests


Mandrake contains tropane alkaloids and has been historically used in folklore, witchcraft, and medicine for its psychoactive properties

Castor bean

Castor beans contain ricin, a highly toxic protein. Historically, it has been used as a poison and in assassinations due to its potency


Oleander is a beautiful but highly toxic plant containing cardiac glycosides. It has been historically used for suicide and homicide, as well as in traditional medicine


Historically, it has been used in traditional medicine to treat heart conditions, but improper dosing can be deadly.

White snakeroot

White snakeroot (Ageratina altissima): White snakeroot contains the toxin tremetol, which can be fatal to humans and livestock if ingested. It was responsible for causing milk sickness in the early 19th century


Historically, yew has been used for making bows and arrows as well as in cases of accidental or intentional poisoning


jimsonweed contains tropane alkaloids and has been used historically for its hallucinogenic properties, though ingestion can be deadly

Autumn crocus

Historically, it has been used in traditional medicine for various ailments but can be deadly if ingested in large amounts

Water hemlock

Water hemlock is one of the most toxic plants in North America, containing cicutoxin. It has been historically used as a poison and can be deadly if ingested.

Angel's trumpet

Angel's trumpet contains tropane alkaloids and has been used historically for its hallucinogenic properties. However, ingestion can lead to severe poisoning and death


Pokeweed contains toxic alkaloids and has been used historically in herbal medicine, though ingestion can cause severe gastrointestinal distress and even death.


Daphne contains toxic compounds such as daphnin and mezerein. Historically, it has been used as a poison and in traditional medicine, though ingestion can be fatal.

Rosary pea

 Rosary pea seeds contain the toxin abrin, which is one of the most potent plant toxins. Historically, it has been used as a poison and in jewelry making, though accidental ingestion can be deadly.