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3 February, 2024

Frozen Foods are food items that are preserved by freezing, usually at temperatures of 0°F (-18°C) or lower for longer shelf life. Freezing the food stops the activity of enzymes and microorganisms present in the food leading to increased shelf life.

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Freezing of Food is achieved commercially via two methods: mechanical and cryogenic. Since the freezing process is different, the results are also different.

How is Freezing done in Food Preservation?

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Freezing the food at extremely low temperatures transforms the moisture inside the food into ice. Rapid freezing generates smaller-sized ice crystals maintaining cellular structure and thereby the texture. It also preserves the flavors of the food better than mechanical freezing.

What does Freezing do to the Food?

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Sometimes due to the formation of ice on the upper layer of food or due to contact with air, there occurs differential dehydration of the upper layer causing it to dry out, decolorise, and appear different in texture. This is mainly due to packaging issues and can be avoided by proper packaging

What are Freezing Burns in Frozen Foods?

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Contrary to popular belief, most Frozen Foods do not contain added preservatives. This is because Freezing itself works as a very effective method of preservation. Freezing causes the formation of ice crystals and prevents microbial growth. However, processed foods such as TV dinners, pizza, and burgers, may contain some added preservatives to maintain the color and texture of food and also to prevent oxidation, and mold growth.

Do Frozen Foods contain Preservatives?

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Tertiary butylhydroquinone/TBHQ A common anti-oxidant that prevents oxidation(breakdown) of fats. Oxidation causes loss of flavor, nutrients, and change in appearance BHA(Butylated hydroxyanisole) and BHT(Butylated hydroxytoluene) From Beef-based dinners to burgers, BHA and BHT are quite common in frozen foods.

What are the most common preservatives found in Processed Frozen Foods?

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Fruits and vegetables: Some of the most common frozen fruits and vegetables are berries, corn, peas, broccoli, and spinach. Meat and poultry: Meat and poultry products are the most common frozen foods. Seafood: Popular frozen seafood includes salmon, shrimp, tuna, etc. Prepared meals: Frozen prepared meals have fueled the development of both nations as well as families. 

What Kinds of foods are generally frozen?

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Convenience: Most Frozen Foods are pre-washed, some are pre-seasoned, and some are even pre-cooked. Affordability: Frozen products are relatively cheaper. Nutritional Value: In several studies, the nutritional value of frozen food comes at par with packaged fresh foods. Availability: Frozen Foods offers year-round availability of your favorite fruits, vegetables, and meals.  

What are the advantages of Frozen Foods?

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High Sodium Content: Some of the Frozen Food products contain high values of sodium. Preservatives and Artificial colors: Some Frozen Products do contain preservatives and artificial colors.  Less Variety: This is not entirely true for the enormous pool of Frozen Food products.

What are the Drawbacks of Frozen Foods?

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Read the Label Carefully: Check the label for preservatives, artificial compounds, sodium, fat, and sugar contents. Minimally Processed Food: Choose options that offer products with minimal processing, added flavors, color, and preservatives. Compare and Choose: Usually, the same food product is offered by many brands. Compare the brands and choose the best option.  Making the Right Choice: A choice such as buying whole fruits and vegetables over pre-cut and seasoned is better as cutting the vegetables and fruits exposes more surface area for contamination.

How Can I Choose Healthy Frozen Food Products?

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